(08) 9477 5155
Located at Redcliffe Primary School
62 Kanowna Ave, REDCLIFFE WA 6104
Centre Info:
Opening Hours:
Before School: 6:45am- 9:00am
After School: 2:30pm-6:00pm
Vacation Care: 6:45am-6:00pm
Local School pick up & drop offs
Redcliffe Primary School
Notre Dame Catholic Primary School
Saint Maria Goretti Catholic School

Centre Management:
Hi, my name is Donna and I have had the pleasure of working at Mulberry Tree since 2012 and hold my Bachelor of Education Degree.
I strive to provide an Out of School Hours Service that is inclusive, welcoming and a safe place that children are able to learn and grow in.
All of my years of experience have been working at Ascot Out of Hours Centre as the Lead Educator. I have a passion for school aged children, watching them grow through their school years, with the ability of making a positive difference in their lives.